Libourne (33)
Validation instantanée
Annulation gratuitejusqu'à 48h avant la date de l'activité.
Bon cadeau valable 12 mois, échange gratuit
Initiez-vous à un savoir-faire ancestral : l'art de manier le verre et plus précisément les vitraux ! Aux côtés d'un artisan passionné de verre et de lumière, vous l'accompagnerez durant 5 heures dans son atelier. Vous aurez l'occasion d'assembler et de créer votre propre cube façon 70's.
Cet atelier est parfait à offrir à une personne qui aime les travaux manuels ! A vivre ou à offrir, Frédéric saura vous guider à travers toutes les étapes de cet atelier.
Zéro frais de réservation
Atelier luminiaire - 5h
Prix / personne
Nos avis proviennent des clients Funbooker ayant réalisé cette activité
Frédéric is really nice, he supported me in all the moment of the creation of my cube, even if my knowledge of French is almost nonexistent. He offers little croissant, little pain au chocolat and coffee. To reach the place from Bordeaux is also really easy, considering the public transport in Libourne are free (or at least that is what I understood). I´´ have spent a really good time at the atelier, enjoyable and with good vibes, the result is stunning, I love my cube. The only negative point is that is too far from Vienna (where I live) and I can´ not go as frequently as I would!!!. If you think of visiting Frederic, I highly recommend it!
13 nov. 2024
Frédéric is passionate about his profession and this clearly helps novices like me, as his enthusiasm rubs off. He explains every stage simply and elegantly. He's never too "hands off" or too "in your face". He explains and then demonstrates each process, clearly and with the minimum of fuss. He allows you to work at your own pace with encouragement along the way. He is very safety minded and at each stage of production, he advises you of the dangers; small glass fragments, sharp edges, hot iron etc. I felt valued and really enjoyed my time producing the cube lamp. He is very attentive and all my questions were answered. Towards the end of my time we spoke about the type of work he does and he very gladly showed me some of his superb detailed workmanship. My time passed by all too quickly. I can honestly say that I had a wonderful and fulfilling experience with this extremely affable gentleman. I highly recommend a visit. If I could give 6 stars I would.
10 oct. 2024
Cet atelier était TOP +++, je suis ravie !! Je le recommande. Au Rendez-vous : accueil convivial, chaleureux, pédagogie dans la bonne humeur et l'écoute, qualité des partages. Frédéric et Manuella ARANAZ sont un couple d'artistes qui sait transmettre leur passion et savoirs. C'est un atelier pensé, préparé et animé avec talent et conviction. Je les en remercie. Laurence Faure-Simonet
23 avr. 2023
Adresse :
40 chemin de Carré, 33500 Libourne
Accès :
- En voiture : 40 mn de route de Bordeaux via N89
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