Shooting photo
Offered by :
Paris (75)
You can cancel free of charge up to 48h before the date of the activity.
Gift card valid for 12 months, free exchange
Our partner offers you a photography session that takes place in your home, at the location of your choice. This can be in your living room, your bedroom, your kitchen, your garden, etc. Ideal for all types of occasion, you can do a Solo shoot, couple, family, pregnancy, dating site, actor's portfolio, professional CV, EVJF, or a professional event.
Photos will be retouched and delivered online for easy viewing and downloading.
It's a pleasant and convivial experience that will enable you to keep precious memories of your family, your couple or yourself. So don't hesitate any longer!
-The shoot will take place at your home or at a location of your choice in Paris, which you can define with the photographer after booking.