Lille (59)
You can cancel free of charge up to 48h before the date of the activity.
With family or friends, to celebrate your birthday or any other event, come and enjoy a unique experience during a particularly immersive escape game session that will appeal to young and old alike.
Duration: 60 min - From 2 to 10 people - From 10 years upwards
What would a futuristic estaminet look like, run entirely by Artificial Intelligence? That's what you'll discover in the Digimiam (the famous address that everyone in Lille will be exchanging in 2080). But today, the Digimiam needs your help.
The report indicates that the kitchen's Artificial Intelligence, the Marmitron, is no longer responding to orders. The customer is pressing you and your specialized AI maintenance group.
The pro: Just Escape is a new-generation escape game center in Lille, France, where you and your friends and family can experience the thrill of the action! Discover fun teambuilding activities for large groups.
Once through the doors, the decor is meticulously crafted by Antoine and Jean-Baptiste, both trained engineers. The funniest part? This culinary Escape Game is housed in a former cooking school! If chance doesn't do things right, we'll never understand!
26 rue d'Arras, 59000 Lille
How to get there :
- Bus 14 : Bas Jardin